SecureLogix Corporation will be presenting and demonstrating the results of its cybersecurity threats and solutions research at the 2016 Government Cyber Security SBIR Workshop at the JW Marriot in downtown Washington D.C. The focus of these research projects is to profile and construct defenses to evolving UC and voice threats, such as complex Telephony Denial of Service (TDoS), robocalls, bomb threats, and other types of malicious calls. SecureLogix CTO Mark Collier, the Principal Investigator (PI) for the company’s DHS research, will lead presentations of some of the preliminary research results, including:

  • A technology demonstration exhibit session on Tuesday, August 30th from 3:00 p.m. to 5:00 p.m. in the Capitol Ballroom; and
  • A presentation entitled “Enhanced Distributed Denial of Service Defense” on Thursday, September 1st at 11:40 a.m. in the Capitol Ballroom.

About the SecureLogix Research for DHS

SecureLogix has recently been awarded several cybersecurity research projects within the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Cyber Security Division (CSD) under its Science and Technology Directorate. Mark Collier, the PI on all of these projects, is a leading cybersecurity industry expert on Unified Communications (UC) and voice-related threats, including evolving and complex attacks such as TDoS, bomb threats, robocalls, fraudulent calls with spoofed identities, and other threatening caller activity.

Many of the modern threats executed over voice services and infrastructure involve the attacker misrepresenting caller identity, whereby the fraudster can appear to be calling from a legitimate source number (e.g., a person’s local bank or healthcare provider). As part of this research, SecureLogix is focused on addressing the underlying challenge of detecting the true calling number identity of spoofed calls. SecureLogix is also investigating approaches to strengthen caller authentication. The results of the research are being implemented in the SecureLogix® PolicyGuru® solution, which provides a robust SIP-based platform to implement security policies and orchestrate the automation of organizational and network processes. SecureLogix is working with several pilot partners to test the research in real-world operational settings, including Next Generation (NG) 911, emergency responders, and the financial community.

About Mark Collier

SecureLogix CTO Mark Collier leads technology strategy, research and development. Collier has been performing research into UC and VoIP security for more than 15 years. He is currently the PI on several projects with DHS CSD to define solutions to evolving UC and voice threats, such as complex TDoS, robocalls, bomb threats, and other types of malicious calls. Collier has written two versions of the McGraw Hill Hacking Exposed: UC and VoIP, and is a frequent presenter at industry conferences.

About SecureLogix

SecureLogix is a leader in enterprise voice/UC policy enforcement and automated network process orchestration, helps defend corporations, military installations, and governments across the world from attack, operational disruption and fraud occurring over real-time communication services and infrastructure such as voice, video, and chat software and platforms.