A New York man pleaded guilty in the Eastern District of New York to money laundering for his role as the owner and operator of a voice over internet protocol (VoIP) company that facilitated and profited from the introduction of fraudulent robocall traffic into the United States.

Jon J. Kahen, 48, of Great Neck, New York, was the owner and chief executive officer of Global Voicecom Inc. (GVI), a U.S.-based VoIP provider, from 1999 to 2020. GVI provided telecommunications services, such as calling platforms and domestic direct inward dial (DID), toll-free, and call termination services, that introduced foreign phone traffic into the U.S. telephone system (thereby serving as a so-called “gateway carrier”).

Beginning at least as early as 2016, GVI began serving as a gateway carrier for an India-based VoIP provider that used GVI’s gateway carrier services to route fraudulent robocalls – including, but not limited to, U.S. government agency imposter calls placed by individuals located in India who were fraudulently impersonating agents of the IRS, Social Security Administration, and Social Security Administration Office of Inspector General (SSA-OIG) – into the U.S. telephone system. This provider also used the DID and toll-free numbers re-leased and/or re-sold to it by GVI to facilitate various fraudulent robocall scams. U.S. consumers, including the elderly, were defrauded as a result of these scams.

By 2018, Kahen became aware that this India-based VoIP provider was using GVI’s telecommunications services to engage in unlawful activities (e.g., wire fraud involving fraudulent robocalls), and by May 2019, Kahen was aware that the funds paid to GVI by this client for continued gateway carrier services constituted the proceeds of unlawful activities. Despite this knowledge, Kahen conducted unlawful monetary transactions involving these criminally derived funds...