Many businesses operate under the impression that their caller ID (also known as CNAM) appears every time they make an outbound call. However, less than 10% of consumers opt-in to caller ID, leaving 90% of consumers to receive only an 11-digit unknown number when a business tries to reach them.

Lack of context for incoming calls and the massive rise in scam calls has conditioned consumers not to answer calls from unknown numbers. In addition, an absence of consumer trust in the phone call has led to an inefficient phone channel, which is problematic for legitimate businesses trying to connect with customers.

First introduced in 1988, caller ID name has been tried and true over the last three decades. However, telecommunications technology has continued to evolve, leading us to the next step in this evolution: branded communication, which allows businesses to control how their outbound calls are displayed on the call recipient’s device.

Caller ID pulls names from databases businesses can’t easily adjust or control. With the number of different CNAM providers that carriers use, there is no guarantee a business’s name will show up the same to all mobile subscribers. A business’s inability to control its CNAM across all carriers means that if the name pulled from the database is unidentified or incorrect, there is a greater chance the consumer will perceive the phone call as spam or scam and let the call go unanswered...