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Over 3.3 Billion Robocalls in June Mark 11% Monthly Increase

Jul 8, 2020 PRNewswire

RVINECalif., July 8, 2020 /PRNewswire/ — Americans received just over 3.3 billion robocalls in June, an 11% increase from May. In June, robocalls averaged just over 111.2 million calls per day, or roughly 1,297 calls per second. The good news is that the June robocall volume is still 41% below the all-time monthly peak of 5.7 billion calls in October 2019. Further, we have seen only 22.8 billion total robocalls at the midway point of 2020, equaling an annual pace of 45.6 billion which is slightly below what we saw in 2018.

These latest monthly figures come from YouMail, a totally free robocall blocking app and call protection service for mobile phones.

“As expected, starting to reopen economies in the US and elsewhere is leading to more robocalls,” said YouMail CEO Alex Quilici. “We’re not out of the robocall woods yet.”

June Saw Increases in All Categories of Robocalls

In June, Scam robocalls increased by 17%, to roughly 1.5 billion calls. However, we also saw substantial increases in Payment Reminders, which were up 14%, and Telemarketing Calls, up 11%. This trend was driven by call centers starting to open, where there are now people to handle return calls or “press 1” when called.

Type ofRobocallEstimated JuneRobocallsPercentage June
Scams1.5 billion (+17%)45% (+2%)
Alerts and Reminders.89 billion (+7%)26% (-2%)
Payment Reminders.56 billion (+14%)17% (flat)
Telemarketing.40 billion (+11%)12% (flat)

Top Illegal Robocalls in June 2020

As in April and May, we are seeing the same two types of illegal calls exceeding 100 million calls for the month: Health-Related Scams and Car Warranty Scams.

RankType of ScamEstimated June
Summary of Scam
1Health-Related Scams223.1 millionIdentity theft/scam payments/illegal solicitations
2Warranty Scams147.2 millionScam payments

“Winners” in June 2020

The cities, area codes and states with the highest volumes of robocalls in June were mostly similar to past months, with a few changes. Baton Rouge replaced Washington DC as the city where people get the most robocalls per person. And South Carolina joined Louisiana as the states with the highest-per capital robocalls for their residents.

City with the Most Robocalls:Atlanta, GA (135.5 million, +5%)
City with the Most Robocalls/Person:Baton Rouge (29.5/person, +12%)
Area Code with the Most Robocalls:404 in Atlanta, GA (56.7 million, +8%)
Area Code with the Most Robocalls/Person:404 in Atlanta, GA (46.4/person, +8%)
State with the Most Robocalls:Texas (386.4 million, +13%)
State with the Most Robocalls/Person:Louisiana (19.2, +13%), South Carolina (19.2, +14%)