In the News

Imposter Scams Bilking Consumers of Millions

Mar 16, 2019 U.S. News

WILLOW GROVE, Pa. (AP) — The distraught voice on the phone didn’t sound like her grandson.

But the man who called 80-year-old Elfriede Flavin claiming to be her grandson’s attorney explained why: Her grandson had broken his nose in a car accident that also landed him in a Tennessee jail. He needed $10,000 for bail, but the exchange had to be secret because of a “court-ordered gag order.”

The money would be returned once the case was settled, Flavin and her husband were assured. They wired the money, but then another complication surfaced: The person injured in the crash was a pregnant woman who lost her baby as a result, they were told. Bail was upped to $50,000…
